Sunday, October 15, 2017

Marathon 2

Warmed up well,  was ready to go. 

I went right out well, but didn't go nuts.  Bryan went out pretty close to 5:10, so after about 400 meters I decided to run my own race.  I ran nice and even and stayed in the 5:30-5:45 range and got to 1/2 marathon perfectly at my goal of 1:14:32, felt great and was ready to bring it down to 1:13 for the second half.  Took off and brought the pace down for a few miles. 

It was only about 60 degrees, but the humidity took its toll and I had to stop about 10 times to stretch from cramping which I never have had to do.  Still for stopping a couple time every mile from Somesville to mile 25 I still was clicking off sub 7:00's.   Definitely an electrolyte issue because once I got 3 cups of Gatorade it me I was fine and ran the last mile back at what I was at halfway.  I thought I did well taking water just about every 2 miles and got 4 Gu's in me, but I guess after having to ring my hat out with sweat I should have realized I needed some more electrolytes.  Oh, well, I still ran respectable, but a 1:23 second half was ugly.  My fastest marathon in humid weather, so that was a plus.

Luckily third place was far enough back that I didn't have to worry.  Bryan ran a great race and was hammering the first half.  Barely could keep him in sight.

The other thing that happened which was interesting was right at 20-k dead center in my middle of my back popped.  Hurt like a bitch to breath, but didn't slow me down.  Even now it hurts to breath or move much.  Legs feel great. 

Hats off to Bryan for a great race.  I really thought I'd be able to catch him the second half and make it a race, but by 18 miles I was stopping every half mile to stretch and really pissed off. 

Next up, Black bear 5-k next weekend with some good competition.  Local 5-k in Bar Harbor the week after.  8-k the week after with some good comp.  And a 3 mile race near Thanksgiving that will have a good field.  I'd like to be fully recovered and ready to roll for 3 miler.

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